Mountain Villas - Gabala, Azerbaijan


A masterplan to develop 70 mountainside homes as part of a new villas resort, set in a stunning setting in Gabala, at the foothills of the Caucasus Mountains, in north Azerbaijan.

The site is located next to the Damiraparan River, on the opposite side to the city of Gabala, in the Alazan-Haftaran valley. The area is at the foot of the Caucasus Mountains, where they meet a plateau, the surrounding landscape is plain forestwith tree species including oak, beech, Alder, Willow, Poplar Birch and Wing-nut.

The resort site is sloping and the master plan is composed around a series of sloping parks and swalesthat run from the base of the mountains towards the river plain. The forest on the mountains help absorbs snow melt and water run-offwith stream paths running to the river, which is predominately dry. These direct snow melt and surface water and the master plan adopts this natural approach, creating a series of predominately dry swales to capture water run-off that lead to the river.

The landscape elements of the area forest, stone, water and grassy plains permeate the landscape design with spines of tree planting along the swales, generous green spaces that are reminiscent offorest clearings or hill terraces, leading to the lower open plain.

The Villas are organised around the green infrastructureand tree lined swales creating a sequence of views through the resort from the mountain to the river. The generous landscape spaces follow the slope of the terrain and create channels of water and natural pools that are are terraced with waterfalls or sparkle with fountain. The landscape space to base of the resort is a calm, elegant open space with a series of linked pools, curving paths, plain grasses and an edge of flowering trees.

Architect: ÜberRaum