Avalon Marshes Centre - Somerset


The landscape proposals have been designed to respect the rural working character of the site and the landscape qualities of the Somerset Levels.

The use of ponds and rhynes reveal the characteristic features of the Somerset Levels.

The natural landscape is enriched and enhanced for wildlife. New tree planting (pollarded white willows, crack willow copses and orchard trees), shrub and wildflower grassland, wetland areas and wetland margin species provide increased opportunities for habitats and foraging.

The strategy for surface water drainage is based on sustainable, insitu drainage promoting natural infiltration.

New surfacing is porous and existing impermeable surfaces are broken out. Any residual run-off along with run-off from the roof is directed towards infiltration/bio-remediation swales, these provide further filtration of pollutants away from existing or proposed ecological features and waterways. The proposed pond, rhynes and swales are intended to increase attenuation during peak rainfall and reduce the risk of flooding caused by saturation of the ground.

Proposed tree planting is maximised for root uptake and storage for eventual release through transpiration.

Client:    Somerset Wildlife Trust
Architect:     Architype